Organizing Your Users Into Groups
User Groups are required for scheduled education distributions, and are administered at the Insight level in TraceInsight.
You can create a User Group (and add users to that group) at the CSV import stage, or you can go to User Groups in TraceInsight.
On the User Groups page, you can create a user group, edit an existing group, and add and remove users from a group.
The Everyone group is the Master Group which exists by default when your account is created. You cannot edit or delete the Everyone group.
To create your own group, give it a Name (required) and Description (optional) and click Save.
For any group that you create, you can Edit its settings, Select Users to include in the group, and Delete the group when you are done using it.
To include users in a group, click on the user entry to mark it as Selected. Click Save Changes and then confirm changes. You should receive a message showing your changes were successful; click OK to continue.